Retrieve the following Adobe XMP / IPTC information from images in the WordPress Media Library and NextGEN Galleries:
- Creator Email
- Owner Name
- Creation Date
- Modification Date
- etiketten
- Credit
- Kjelde
- Headline
- by
- stat
- Land
- Landskode
- Location
- Tittel
- Beskrivelse
- Creator
- Rights
- Stikkord
- Hierarchical Keywords
The extracted XMP / IPTC data is cached on disk to improve performance and is refreshed if / when the original image is modified.
You can use the plugin in one of two ways; calling a method in your theme template(s) or using the [xmp]
shortcode in your content.
There are no plugin settings – simply install and activate the plugin.
Automated Install
- Go to the wp-admin/ section of your website.
- Select the Plugins menu item.
- Select the Add New sub-menu item.
- In the Search box, enter the plugin name.
- Click the Search Plugins button.
- Click the Install Now link for the plugin.
- Click the Activate Plugin link.
Semi-Automated Install
- Download the plugin ZIP file.
- Go to the wp-admin/ section of your website.
- Select the Plugins menu item.
- Select the Add New sub-menu item.
- Click on Upload link (just under the Install Plugins page title).
- Click the Browse… button.
- Navigate your local folders / directories and choose the ZIP file you downloaded previously.
- Click on the Install Now button.
- Click the Activate Plugin link.
Vanlege spm.
How do I retrieve XMP data as an array?
$adobeXMP =& adobeXMPforWP::get_instance(); $xmp = $adobeXMP->get_xmp( $image_id ); echo '<p>Photograph by ' . $xmp[ 'Creator' ] . '</p>';
How do I include a shortcode in a post or page?
[xmp id="101,ngg-201"]
This shortcode prints all the XMP information for Media Library image ID «101» and NextGEN Gallery image ID «201». The XMP information is printed as a definition list <dl> with a class name of «xmp_shortcode» that you can style for your needs. Each <dt> and <dd> element also has a style corresponding to it’s title – for example, the «Creator» list element has an «xmp_creator» class name. Here’s an example of the definition list HTML:
<dl class="xmp_shortcode"> <dt class="xmp_credit">Credit</dt> <dd class="xmp_credit">JS Morisset</dd> <dt class="xmp_source">Source</dt> <dd class="xmp_source">Underwater Focus</dd> <dt class="xmp_hierarchical_keywords">Hierarchical Keywords</dt> <dd class="xmp_hierarchical_keywords">What > Photography > Field of View > Wide-Angle > Fish-Eye</dd> </dl>
The shortcode can also take a few additional arguments:
(defaults to «all»)
Define which XMP elements to include, for example:
[xmp id="101" include="creator,creator email"]
(defaults to none)
Exclude some XMP elements, for example to print all XMP elements, except for the «creator email»:
[xmp id="101" exclude="creator email"]
(defaults to «yes»)
Include / exclude the <dt> definition titles.
[xmp id="101" show_title="no"]
(defaults to «no»)
Include / exclude empty <dd> definition values.
(defaults to none)
Exclude a list of (case incensitive) keywords, for example:
[xmp id="101" not_keyword="who,what,where"]
To exclude a hierarchical keyword list, use hyphens between the keywords, for example:
[xmp id="101" not_keyword="who,what,where,who-people-unknown"]
Bidragsytarar og utviklarar
“JSM Adobe XMP / IPTC for WordPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Contributors“JSM Adobe XMP / IPTC for WordPress” er omsett til 3 språk. Takk til omsetjarane for bidraga deira.
Omset “JSM Adobe XMP / IPTC for WordPress” til ditt eige språk.
Interested in development?
Les kjeldekoden, sjekk SVN-lageret eller abonner på utviklingsloggen med RSS.
Version Numbering
Version components: {major}.{minor}.{bugfix}[-{stage}.{level}]
- {major} = Major structural code changes and/or incompatible API changes (ie. breaking changes).
- {minor} = New functionality was added or improved in a backwards-compatible manner.
- {bugfix} = Backwards-compatible bug fixes or small improvements.
- {stage}.{level} = Pre-production release: dev < a (alpha) < b (beta) < rc (release candidate).
Changelog / Release Notes
Version 1.6.0 (2020/11/21)
- New Features
- None.
- Improvements
- Added support for the copyright <dc:rights></dc:rights> tag.
- Bugfixes
- None.
- Developer Notes
- None.
- Requires At Least
- PHP v7.4.33.
- WordPress v5.9.