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All-in-One Debug Lab


The «All-in-One Debug Lab» plugin, makes it easy to search and locate errors in wordpress.

View «debug.log» file

You can see the «debug.log» file, through this debug plugin.

Toggle Debugging

Now you can enable/disable debugging with a click. No need to manually edit wp-config.php

Clear Log

Easily clear your «debug.log» file with one click.

Download Log

Easily download your «debug.log» file with one click.


  1. All-in-One Debug Lab can be installed directly through your WordPress Plugins dashboard.
  2. Click «Add New» and Search for «All-in-One Debug Lab»
  3. Install and Activate.


  1. Unzip and Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress.


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Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“All-in-One Debug Lab” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
