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Appointment booking widget for salons and SPA


BloknotApp appointment booking widget for your salon or SPA business.
Clients can book online, pick a service provider, check available time slots and create an appointment.
Reduce number of phone calls and make it easy for your customers.


Upload the BloknotApp plugin to your site and activate it, then set up your widget.

In order to set up your widget, please follow step-by-step guide.

  1. Create an account at (
  2. Go to Settings -> Online bookings in BloknotApp admin panel
  3. Enable online bookings (click on switcher)
  4. Copy the beginning of your link (e.g.
  5. Paste your link in widget settings
  6. Save preferences


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“Appointment booking widget for salons and SPA” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
