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Attached images title editor


This plugin has the hability to change the title of all the images attached to a post by inserting a new title for them all.

The plugin lists the posts on a table which you can order by name or category and each row has an input field which applies (with ajax), the input value to the title of all the images attached to that post.

This plugin uses Matt Van Andel class (which extends WP_List_Table) to use official WordPress API to create the tables.
I want to thank @nh3ad who helped me on this development.


  1. Upload the hole folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress
  3. A new button should now appear on the left menu =)

Vanlege spm.

Can we have edited the titles independently?

There is a pro version that does it. With ajax 😉

What about custom post types?

On the Pro version.


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“Attached images title editor” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • out of beta