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Courier Address


This is a generic Courier Address field management plugin with special extensions for Courier delivery charging. It is compatable with Contact Form 7 but also creates generic form element shortcodes. Working example

  • [courier_address (from/to)] Courier Address possibility lookups / predictions / postcodes with GeoCoding.
    e.g. [courier_address from] [courier_address to]
    with Postcode charges based on Addresses filled out in settings.
  • [courier_distance] Distances with embedded Google map to show journey.
    based on the names of other address fields, e.g. [courier_distance (from/to)]
  • [courier_result (name)] Result calculations based on flexible equation in the settings:
    e.g. [courier_result price]
    Math.max({from-postal_code_price}, {to-postal_code_price})

Courier Address field also enables all other installed shortcodes in Contact Form 7 forms, e.g. simple_tooltip

Example CF7 form

<div id="addresses">
  [courier_address* from required-address-detail:postcode_charge]Where?[/courier_address*] 
  [courier_address* to  required-address-detail:postcode_charge]To?[/courier_address*]

<div id="results" class="when-has-price">
  <label class="price-label">Price:</label> [courier_result* price currency:Ft]
  [text* your-name placeholder "Your Name"]
  [text* phone-number placeholder "Phonenumber"]
  [submit "Request Delivery"]

[courier_distance* from to measure:km map:400]


  • Example
  • Postcode groups charge Settings
  • Equation Settings
  • Courier Address Lookup Settings


  1. Download and install the Plugin
  2. Upload the plugin folder to the «/wp-content/plugins/» directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress
  4. You will now have [courier_address], [courier_distance] and [courier_result] tag shortcodes and in Contact Form 7
  5. Insert your Google Maps Api Key in the settings

Vanlege spm.

Installation Instructions
  1. Download and install the Plugin
  2. Upload the plugin folder to the «/wp-content/plugins/» directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress
  4. You will now have [courier_address], [courier_distance] and [courier_result] tag shortcodes and in Contact Form 7
  5. Insert your Google Maps Api Key in the settings


Les 1 omtale

Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“Courier Address” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Birth.


  • UXD updates


  • Language text domains added
  • JS validation errors translated
  • EN, US and HU


  • plugin page moved under settings
  • new CF7 compatability
  • readme better


  • external notifications calls, e.g. for SMS gateways