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Custom canonical URL for Yoast SEO


Defining your default canonical arbitrary is most useful for those unfortunate souls who have their site URLs in punycode. This plugin allows setting a default custom URL to be used as canonical. It is designed to work with Yoast SEO only. The individual settings are still available and can be edited as before. Since it is dependent on presence of Yoast SEO, this plugin will not activate without it.
The plugin does not add its own settings page, It uses WordPress Settings -> General. Look for it at the bottom of that page.

Technical Details

Supported versions:
WordPress 4.x
WordPress 5.x
WordPress 6.x
Yoast SEO 6.x-20.x


Installation is standard WordPress — upload in Plugins page, activate.


There are no reviews for this plugin.

Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“Custom canonical URL for Yoast SEO” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Fixed a deactivation issue


  • Initial release.