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Custom RSS Feeds by Envintus, LLC


Add custom RSS feeds to your WordPress installation and customize the feeds using theme templates. Each feed contains a unique slug and can use either a custom theme template or if no template is provided then the feed will use WordPress» default RSS2 template. Easily keep track of what your feeds do by adding a description to them or testing them out clicking the quick link provied in the «existing feeds» table listing.


  • Custom feeds page with no feeds added.
  • Example of feeds being added.
  • Table listing existing feeds and if a custom template for the feed was added to the active theme directory.
  • Example of a custom feed being deleted.


  1. Upload the custom-feeds directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress


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Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“Custom RSS Feeds by Envintus, LLC” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Initial plugin release