Dette innstikket er ikkje testa med dei tre siste utgåvene av WordPress. Det kan henda det ikkje blir vedlikehalde lenger, og kan ha problem med nyare versjonar av WordPress.



This plugin is no longer being developed.

WordPress core more or less handles this out of the box since version 4.5.


3. februar 2021
Same as Bryan above: installed as instructed but got immediately error for the hole wp-installation. Had to delete sunrise-file and reload old wp-config to get back on track.
12. juli 2020 3 replies
This plugin was not tested with my version…ehm the current WP and I should listen to this warning. Plugin ruined wp-config.php as I did try to click on «give it a shot» Domainer cannot function until you complete the following: Copy sunrise.php file in Domainer’s plugin folder to your site’s wp-content directory. Add define(«SUNRISE», true); to your site’s wp-config.php file. Domainer may be able to do this itself. Click here to give it a shot. Every page running on same Multisite WP Installation was down in no time and there was no access to WP Backoffice. There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions. Very very very bad idea.
8. juni 2020
I was struggling to make Polylang domain mapping work for my multisite installation for days and booom. I found this plug-in and worked immediately with the option to add alias domain names to my primary website. It canceled the error I was getting with Polylang because domain names was not configured in the multisite installation. I had an url like /wp-signup.php?new= showing up when trying to access the alias for Polylang. Hope it will be maintained because WordPress doesn’t support aliases natively. And I didn’t find other alternatives for my installation. Thank you very much !
13. juni 2020
I needed to route custom domain names to specific sites on my Multisite installation. That’s it. Domainer lets me route custom domain names to specific sites on my Multisite installation. That’s it. It does exactly what I needed, does it transparently, and does it well.
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