Dette innstikket er ikkje testa med dei tre siste utgåvene av WordPress. Det kan henda det ikkje blir vedlikehalde lenger, og kan ha problem med nyare versjonar av WordPress.



easyCommentsPaginate is a plugin to easily create nice animated pagination for your comments. It’s easy but there is also a lot of options !
It is fully customizable : 4 differents animations, texts, css, hash tags …
And yeah, there is a «test mode» in the options to configure your plugin when you edit your posts

Arbitrary section

A brief Markdown Example

  • Easily paginate your comments
  • 4 nice differents animations
  • Customizable css, titles …


  • settings page
  • easyCommentsPaginate in action


  1. Upload directory easyCommentsPaginate to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress
  3. You can access settings with the «ECP Options» new menu
  4. Optionnal, enable the «test mode» to configure your plugin easily

Vanlege spm.

Is it real ?

Yes, I guess

Can we have more animations ?

Probably, depends on suggestions

This plugin is nice, can we have it out of wordpress ?

Yes this plugin is also a simple jQuery plugin, check my website


There are no reviews for this plugin.

Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“easyCommentsPaginate” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Fix a bug with the case of some calls


  • Fix a bug with the case of the options’s url


  • First version