The Falang for Elementor plugin makes your Elementor page translation simpler. You need to have your site working with the Falang system for translation.
You don’t have to duplicate the page anymore to translate it, just translate only what is necessary. It’s easier to maintain and all parameters are the same for all languages.
Translate static text ,url, textarea, from the main language to other languages.
Lite and Pro Version
The lite version has only a few wdigets (Accordion,Button,Heading,Text Editor )
The pro version support Google/Azure/Lingvanex translation for the text editor.
The Pro version add the other element from
* Elementor Free
* Elementor Pro
* Cozy Addon Elementor
* Element Addon Elementor
* Essential Addons for Elementor
* UICore Elements
* Element Pack Pro (BdThemes)
* Happy
* Nexgen
* OceanWP
* Xtemos
* Ultimate Addon’s
* Happy Addons
* Sina Extension
* Angel Theme
* la-studio support
* bdthemes-element-pack-lite support
* Themesflats addons
* wpforms
Other Widget/Theme can be done on demand.
Quick start video
Integrated in Elementor widget
Falang and Falang for Elementor Lite
(English version)
(French version with english subtitles)
Known issues
- Post and Page need to be set to -all languages-
- Elementor preview needs to have “Show slug for main language” disabled in Falang Settings
- La-Studio footer ajax translation not supported
Note : This plugin works with Elementor. Make sure you have Elementor installed.
Note : This plugin works with Falang. Make sure you have Falang installed and configured with at least 2 languages
- Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
Vanlege spm.
- Where to find help?
First time users should read the Falang for Elementor – Documentation, which explains the basics (with screenshots – in English).
Bidragsytarar og utviklarar
“Falang for Elementor Lite” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Contributors“Falang for Elementor Lite” er omsett til 2 språk. Takk til omsetjarane for bidraga deira.
Omset “Falang for Elementor Lite” til ditt eige språk.
Interested in development?
Les kjeldekoden, sjekk SVN-lageret eller abonner på utviklingsloggen med RSS.
= 1.25 (2025/01/13)
* Message if Elementor Element caching enabled (Falang for Elementor can’t work in front-end)
* add Nested tab message for pro version
* Compatile WordPress 6.7
1.24 (2024/10/04)
- fix essential wrapper link error on php 8.1+
1.23 (2024/08/23)
- add condition support on translated field (only display if necessary)
- Compatile WordPress 6.6
1.22 (2024/05/20)
- Compatile WordPress 6.5
- add pro support list for Happy Addon’s
1.21 (2024/03/27)
- add Translate button on text-editor
1.20 (2024/02/29)
- fix deprecated php 8.2
- add pro support List Themesflat Addon’s
1.19 (2024/01/29)
- fix option link on url.
- add pro support list Oceanwp (Oceanwp theme)
- add pro support List Cozy Essential Addon’s
1.18 (2024/01/04)
- fiw warning when section label not exist (front)
- check edit mode to display free message
1.17 (2023/12/04)
- fix notice Elementor 3.18
- WordPress 6.4 compatible
1.16 (2023/08/22)
- fix warning when label is not set
- fix PowerPack Pro for Elementor translation (Wrapper link and Custom Cursor)
- WordPress 6.3 compatible
1.15 (2023/07/11)
- update pro support list Elementor Pro Addons (Blockquote, navigation widget )
- update pro support list Nexgen (Nexgen all addons)
- update Elementor tested up to last version
1.14 (2023/06/20)
- fix support with Essential Addons for Elementor and the Wrapper Link (translation no more displayed)
- update pro support list Elementor Pro Addons (animated-headline, call to action, countdown, hotspot, login,
- media-carousel, price-list,testimonial-carousel)
1.13 (2023/06/06)
- fix bug on image widget translation
- update Elementor tested up to last version
1.12 (2023/02/27)
- update pro support list Essentials Addons
- update pro support list seafarer core (QI addons)
- update pro support TheGem (TheGem template/widgets)
1.11 (2023/02/14)
- update pro support list slides
- update pro support list wpforms
- add options in backend translation (use for wpforms select)