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Formidable to Slack


Automatically invite users that have filled out a specified form to your Slack team instead of having to manually invite them yourself.


  1. Upload folder to wp-content/plugins.
  2. Activate plugin.
  3. Create a new form with Email, First Name, and Last Name fields.
  4. Got to Formidable > Global Settings select the form you created, and copy the labels from your form into the Email Address Label, First Name Label, and Last Name Label fields.
  5. Go to and generate a token for your team, and add that to your settings.


3. september 2016
5 minutes from install to first test invite sent. Couldn’t be any easier.
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Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“Formidable to Slack” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Add better validation to settings.
  • Fix bug where after initially saving settings all of the settings fields were empty until the page was reloaded again.


  • Fixed bug where instantiation access was causing errors in versions of php older than 5.4


  • Initial plugin release