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Game Dev Quotes


Easily style posts from game companies in a way that resembles their forum posts using shortcodes. For example: Blizzards «blue posts». The Shortcodes are listed below. If you would like to see a style added please don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll try to add them in the next releases.

The icon in the tinyMCE editor is a pair of green quotes(«»).

Syntax for shortcodes are: «[bluepost name=»name»] content [/bluepost]’.

Shortcodes Available

  • ‘bluepost’ – Blizzard style quotes
  • ’torpost’ – Star Wars: The Old Republic style quotes
  • ‘ps2post’ – SOE Planetside 2 style quotes
  • ‘valvepost’ – Valve employee style quotes


  • Output
  • Menu Icon


  1. Upload the «Game Dev Quotes» folder to the «/wp-content/plugins» directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress
  3. Use the provided shortcodes for output in your pags/posts/articles. «[bluepost name=»name»] content [/bluepost]» or «[torpost name=»name»] content [/torpost]». Or just click on the button in tinyMCE and enter the information to add a quote.

Vanlege spm.

How to use the shortcodes

«[bluepost name=»somename»] content [/bluepost]» Replace «bluepost» with the short code of the style you are using. «name» is the name of the game dev who posted. «content» is the actual post.


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Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“Game Dev Quotes” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Added: ArchAge support.


  • Added support for source links.


  • Added tinyMCE button and dialog to insert quotes.


*Fixed a bug with some hosting configs.


*Now using a different way to get paths. May help with some hosting configurations.


  • Added: Planetside 2 SOE Dev Style
  • Added: Valve Dev Style
  • Fixed: Typos
  • Cleaned Up CSS


  • Initial release