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Genesis Simple Menus


This plugin allows you to assign WordPress navigation menus to the secondary navigation menu within the Genesis Theme Framework on a per post, per page, or per tag/category archive basis. The per post, page, category or tag setting overrides whatever menu setting you have in your Genesis Theme setting. It does require that you have your Secondary Navigation enabled in your Genesis Theme Settings.

The Author

Plugin Page


  1. Upload the entire genesis-simple-menus folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress
  3. Create any new menus you need with the WordPress menus feature
  4. Choose the menu you want to display by choosing it from the drop-down menu in the post/page or category/tag edit screen.


30. november 2018
A clever solution that gives a lot of flexibility to any project. You can ignore the notification of updates. It works perfect with 4.9.8 WordPress and 2.7.1 genesis.
11. oktober 2016
This plug-in is a nice addition. I thought I was going to have to write some custom css. Thank you, Genesis!
Les alle 11 omtalar

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“Genesis Simple Menus” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Genesis Simple Menus” er omsett til 5 språk. Takk til omsetjarane for bidraga deira.

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  • Fix issue where menus were not displaying when set to the default option.


  • Add option for primary navigation.
  • Test with WordPress 5.2.2.


  • Fix Coding Standards issues.
  • Restructuration of files.


  • Rewrite based on plugin boilerplate.
  • Better labeling for forms.
  • Full support for latest WordPress and Genesis.


  • WordPress 4.4.2 & Genesis 2.2.7 compatibility.


  • Add check for secondary menu in use by theme.
  • Disable save on bulk edit.


  • Permission check fix.


  • Add automatic support for custom taxonomies.

  • Update for Genesis 1.6.


  • Add custom taxonomy support.


  • Fix verify nonce logic.


  • Add .pot file & register text domain.
  • Add a handle to the simple menu object.


  • Original version.