Dette innstikket er ikkje testa med dei tre siste utgåvene av WordPress. Det kan henda det ikkje blir vedlikehalde lenger, og kan ha problem med nyare versjonar av WordPress.

Hello I am here! Video conferences


Create instant meetings with your clients or potential clients.

Create instant meetings with your students, family or friends.

Mantain communications in the actual COVID-19 crisis.
And maybe future COVID-XX 🙁

How to:

  1. Create a new Hello I am here! from admin
  2. Insert shortcode [show-meet] in any page. Or create a new page and insert there.
  3. Send your client/student/friend/… the meeting code and the page url
  4. You and your client/studen/friend/… put the meeting code in the page

The page with the shortcode [show-meet] can be used forever for all the meetings.
Or you can put the shortcode in some other places, too.


  • Hello I am here! creation page
  • Page with shortcode [show-meet]
  • Conference running
  • When accessing with a mobile device, a link is generated for accessing the meeting with the Jitsi App.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Plugin Name screen to configure the plugin
  4. (Make your instructions match the desired user flow for activating and installing your plugin. Include any steps that might be needed for explanatory purposes)


9. april 2021
Es un plugin con mucho potencial, sin embargo en la versión 5.7 de WordPress presenta incompatibilidad. Altera los colores y fuentes usadas en el dashboard lo que le hace incompatible con algunos plugins. A futuro (e incluso como opción pagada) sería interesante incorporar un buscador de reuniones creadas y fecha del ultimo acceso para cuando se acumulen demasiadas poder hacer limpieza. Pese a lo anterior, creo que este es el mejor plugin de conferencias y reuniones que he probado. Mis felicitaciones al autor. ———————– Google Translate It is a plugin with a lot of potential, however in version 5.7 of WordPress it presents incompatibility. It alters the colors and fonts used in the dashboard which makes it incompatible with some plugins. In the future (and even as a paid option) it would be interesting to incorporate a search engine for meetings created and the date of the last access for when they accumulate too many to be able to clean. Despite the above, I think this is the best conference and meeting plugin that I have tried. My congratulations to the author.
6. oktober 2020 1 reply
Este es el plugin que realmente estaba buscando, tengo mi propio servidor para Jitsi Meet, pero voy a usarlo con este plugin para que las personas se conecten a la URL de mi sitio web WordPress. Gracias por tu mágnifica aportación.
13. juli 2020 2 replies
This is absolutely amazing! I tried out a buddymeet plugin using jitsimeet, but it doesn’t like my installation setup I guess as it always throws an error. But when I tested this plugin out, it works great! Just wish I could edit the title «hello I’m here» on the page I put it on to be the chatroom name. Otherwise, love this!!! Seriously ALL the features!
Les alle 6 omtalar

Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“Hello I am here! Video conferences” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Hello I am here! Video conferences” er omsett til 5 språk. Takk til omsetjarane for bidraga deira.

Omset “Hello I am here! Video conferences” til ditt eige språk.

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  • FIXED: Meets can be longer than 5 minuts
  • Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.2.2


  • Tested compatibility with WordPress 5.6


  • Translations
  • Screenshots updated
  • Donate button


  • Divi, Buddypress and others shortcode compatibility
  • Removed page title
  • Save last used Jitsi server. Good for people that have their own Jitsi servers
  • Added translations


  • First version