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Latest Post Link


Provides a simple way to access the permalink and title of your most recent (newest) post. You can use the functions in this plugin to link to the latest post from within your theme. It can be useful for webcomics, welcome pages, and other places where you want this type of navigation.


  • Here’s an example of the plugin in use. The red circle is around a link to the latest (newest) post.


  1. Extract the files from the archive
  2. Upload the files to the wp-content/plugins folder of your WordPress installation
  3. Activate the plugin from the WordPress Plugins Menu from an account with administrator access.

How to use:

This plugin adds two specific functions to your WordPress installation:
«latestpostlink_permalink» and «latestpostlink_title»

They are similar to the «the_permalink» and «the_title» functions that are part of a WordPress installation, except that they refer to only the most recent post in the blog.

Example 1: Link with text saying «Latest >|»
<a href="» title=»Most Recent Post»>Latest >|

Example 2: Link with post title included
<a href="» title=»Most Recent Post»>Latest: >|

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“Latest Post Link” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • The first version