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Skyway WebRTC


You can use WebRTC simply on WordPress.
This WebRTC is SFU mode.

This plugin loading javascript from external site. (
Because it’s need to webrtc.
This plugin is not Skyway official.
This software includes the work that is distributed in the Apache License 2.0.


  1. Go to and create account.
  2. Create new application at Skyway.
  3. Registor your wordpress site and enable SFU option at Skyway.
  4. Get your API Key from Skyway.
  5. Go to admin menu Skyway WebRTC.
  6. Input your API Key.
  7. Write [SKYWAY] any place.
  8. Access that page, then you start WebRTC.

Vanlege spm.

Installation Instructions
  1. Go to and create account.
  2. Create new application at Skyway.
  3. Registor your wordpress site and enable SFU option at Skyway.
  4. Get your API Key from Skyway.
  5. Go to admin menu Skyway WebRTC.
  6. Input your API Key.
  7. Write [SKYWAY] any place.
  8. Access that page, then you start WebRTC.


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“Skyway WebRTC” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • 2018-3-21 First release