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Max Music


You can add your site to the background music through YouTube. Components can enable or disable the part, and you can easily control. The music you want to add to your site YouTube ID is required. In the number of songs on YouTube plugin you can see where it says.


It is prepared by Program indir


  • Widgets
  • Max Music Widget


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload maxmusic to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress
  3. Admin Panel -> Appearance -> Widgets -> Max Music
  4. Add max plugin, and fill in the blanks

Vanlege spm.

How to activate add-ons?

Admin Panel -> Appearance -> Widgets -> Max Music

What Youtube music ID?

Sample music:
Sample ID: wz9sSYl3e3M


3. september 2016
A great feature to have to liven up a site. No text is required to be on the page in order for it to work (and thus, doesn’t mess with page format.) Player activates automatically as soon as the page loads and it’s just a miracle that it doesn’t cause even a bit of lag.
Les alle 2 omtalar

Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“Max Music” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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