Manage your site from a web desktop. Do multitasking with windows, click icons, use notes. Jump to any place in your wp-admin quickly.
The system users will interact with My Desktop very much the same way they would interact with a regular desktop operating system,
but they work will be editing editing posts or approving comments.
- Javier Carazo for testing this plugin.
- Monty for his review of this plugin.
Send me bugs or improvements
If you’re interested in contributing to My Desktop, head to the My Desktop GitHub Repository.
- Login to the /wp-admin/ of your WP website.
- Go to the Plugins section.
- Select the Add New top sub-menu item.
- Search for My Desktop and click the Search Plugins button.
- Click the Install Now link for this plugin.
- Click the Activate Plugin button.
- Finally, click the Switch to your desktop link.
Bidragsytarar og utviklarar
“My Desktop – Manage your site from a web desktop” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
ContributorsOmset “My Desktop – Manage your site from a web desktop” til ditt eige språk.
Interested in development?
Les kjeldekoden, sjekk SVN-lageret eller abonner på utviklingsloggen med RSS.
More detailed changes in My Desktop GitHub Repository.
1.2 / 2022-07-25
- Fix warning with last PHP versions.
- Test with WP 6.0.1 version.
1.0 / 2021-04-15
- Initial release.