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My Post Time


My Post Time is a simple and innovative plugins to stand out your blog.
It helps users to see that how much the article will take time to read and by progress bar they will have a proper tracking of the article’s length.

Support, Bug Fix, Feature Request

  • We welcome your feedback and new feature requests for My Post Time *
    Let us know if you face any problem or need help with My Post Time

  • Plugin Support *


  1. Download the plugin zip file. Extract and upload in your wp-content/plugins folder.
  2. From the wp-admin panel go to plugins and activate «WooSmartBot»
  3. Enable My Post Time for your posts from My Post time settings.
    Wp-admin -> Settings -> My Post Time -> Enable My Post Time (Read further options and instructions there)
  4. You are done.


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Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“My Post Time” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
