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WooCommerce Product Badges | Myshopkit


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Product badges let customers know what’s going on with a product before they make a purchase decision. When you add badges to your products, it helps customers decide whether to buy or not.

➥ Badges for every occasion

We offer a wide range of badges that could be used to add social proof or FOMO to your products. With all of our badges, you can be sure that you’ll have the perfect tool for getting more sales and boosting customer engagement.

  • Tired of having low sales? No problem — use our special On-Sale badges for an instant boost in sales. These badges will definitely entice shoppers on a budget. No one on earth wants to skip a great bargain.
  • Do you want customers to regret not buying your products soon? Add Out of Stock badges to add social proof so that there is nothing stopping them from making purchases next time!
  • We know that trends change often. That’s why we offer New Arrival badges to attract those who always hunt high and low for modern items.
  • Social proof and FOMO are powerful forces in marketing. MyShopKit Product Badges Plug-in lets you add those badges with a few clicks.

➥ Add badges with ease

You’ll be amazed by how simple and fast it is — choose a badge template, customize it, set parameters, and display the badge instantly! And speaking of time, you’ll be able to add a badge in less than a minute.

➥ Have your own style & design control

The badge customization editor allows you to make the badges in any size, color, animation, and placement you wish. So, you can make badge templates more prominent or just leave them as they are.

You can also change the priority order of badges with a drag and drop so that you can focus on other aspects of your store without worrying about mixing up badges!

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  1. Unzip the download package
  2. Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress



3. august 2023
Good plugin.
Les 1 omtale

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“WooCommerce Product Badges | Myshopkit” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
