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Narnoo Operator Connect


*** Plugin is still in Beta phase until we officially release the Commerce Plugin ***

If you download please expect some updates. At this stage all updates will be backwards compatible.

The Narnoo Operator Connect plugin is a plugin used for businesses with Narnoo Operator accounts. This plugin allows operators to search Narnoo for other Operators and add them to their Narnoo connected lists. Once connected, Operators can then import their connected Operators products into their WordPress website.
In conjunction with the Narnoo Operator Plugin and the Narnoo Commerce Manager plugins the WordPress website can become a fully fledged eCommerce, reservation booking website.


  1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress
  3. The Narnoo Operator Plugin must be installed for this plugin to work.

Vanlege spm.

Coming Soon


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“Narnoo Operator Connect” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



13-05-2019: Added token validation
31-01-2019: Moved menu items
2018: Version One.