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Peppercan Mailing List Manager


With this plugin, you can create a registration form for your Peppercan mailing list. Visitors will be able to select the mailing list they want to join. You can set up your form in the plugin’s settings page.


  • Settings page, where you can set up your registration form
  • The form (without style). You can design it with CSS rules
  • The Peppercan item in the admin menu


  1. Install this plugin with the plugins manager
  2. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress
  3. Go to «Settings» then «Peppercan Mailing List» to set up your registration form

You should set up :
– the URL of your Peppercan acocunt
– the number of mailing list you want to deal with

Then, for each mailing list, you should put :
– the Peppercan ID of the mailing list
– the name of the mailing list (the name you want to display in the form)

To insert your form in a page or post, you should put the shortcode [peppercan_registration_form]. To inscrt it in the sidebar, you should install another plugin (such as Sidebar Shortcode) to enable shortcodes in the sidebar.

Vanlege spm.

Can I create more than one form ?

No. You can create only one form, but you still can put it in more than one page (using the shortcode).

Can I put my form in the sidebar ?

Yes, if you install a plugin who enable shotcode in the sidebar (Sidebar Shortcode for example).


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Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“Peppercan Mailing List Manager” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




The first stalbe version