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Polizeipresse Plugin


This plugin loads the latest news from German police stations and displays them in your blog.
The plugin offers two ways to publish the news:

  1. You can include a widget which always displays the latest news. For performance reasons the news are cached
    for some minutes to reduce remote calls.

  2. The plugin offers a cronjob which automatically loads the latest news and creates new posts in your blog. You
    can choose if you want to publish them directly oder edit them first. Whatever you choose you can get notified
    by email if a new polic story is added.


  • General options page: screenshot-1.png.
  • Filter options page: screenshot-2.png.
  • Cronjob options page: screenshot-3.png.
  • Widget options page: screenshot-4.png.


  1. Upload the directory Polizeipresse to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress

Vanlege spm.

Where do I get the required API-Key

You need to register to Polizeipresse.

Where can I find the office id

You can find the office id of your German police station here.

How often will the cronjob check for news

Every hour.

There are too many news I don’t care of. Can you help?

Yes, you can define a filter to get the news you want.


Les 1 omtale

Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“Polizeipresse Plugin” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Time of new posts fixed
  • Ttime of last cron fixed


  • Fix for migration problems


  • Support for multiple police offices added
  • Separate categories for each police office added


  • Widget added
  • English translation added


  • Initial version