

Dette programtillegget vart stengt ned 30. desember 2024, og kan ikkje lastast ned. Programtillegget er stengt ned mellombels inntil me får sett på det.


This plugin gets the job done. I’m using it in combination with Ultimate Member, one of those free all-in-one plugins that markets itself as the #1 user profile and membership plugin. However, Ultimate Member doesn’t have the ability to assign multiple roles to a single user and it doesn’t look like they’re going to add it (see this ticket from August 2017). I didn’t want another bloated membership plugin because I put all my eggs in this basket, and the client’s project I’m working on has a quick approaching deadline. This small little utility plugin came to my rescue and is perfect for just adding in this snippet of much-needed functionality. Thank YOU!
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“Role Includer” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Role Includer” er omsett til 5 språk. Takk til omsetjarane for bidraga deira.

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