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Shape Master


All of us enjoy simple, intuitive and visually appealing sites. But to create a stunning website you need to have the right tools blazing.

Shape Master is one of those niche Elementor Addons which can help you build any shapes to give your website a different level of appeal visually.

You don’t need to hire a developer or write a single line of code to generate shape on your website. With Shape Master you can easily achieve this using a simple drag and drop interface.

Have a look at some of the shapes created using Shape Master:


  • screenshot-1.png

Vanlege spm.

Can I use Shape Master without Elementor?

No you can’t. This is an Elementor Addon.

Will it work along with other Elementor Addons?

Yes it will.

Will it work without Elementor pro?

Yes it will.

Will it work with any WordPress theme?

Yes it will.

Is it completely FREE?

Yes it is.


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Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“Shape Master” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
