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ShortCode – Get Child List


With this plug-in, you can use shortcodes to output list of children pages or sitemap.
Write following shortcode in your post text.

Generate a sitemap : [get_sitemap]
Generate a list of child and descendant pages: [get_childlist]

You can also customize output with optional arguments:

[get_childlist id=»parentID (optional)» add=»additional element (optional)» exclude=»exclude page by id (optional, e.g. exclude=»34,123,35,23″)» exclude_by_slug=»exclude page by slug (optional, e.g. exclude_by_slug=»test,hoge,home»)]


  • Using shortcode at editor
  • Example of output using options


  1. Download and unzip to the «wp-content/plugins/» directory
  2. Activate the plugin.


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“ShortCode – Get Child List” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
