Plugin Tag: block
Melonpan Block – Post Title
(0 vurderingar i alt)Block that displays the current Post Title and Excerpt.
Image Heading
(0 vurderingar i alt)Extends the core/heading block to allow for an image to be displayed in place of the heading text.
Last Commented Posts Block
(0 vurderingar i alt)Adds a block that lists the recent commented posts without duplicates.
Receipe block
(1 vurderingar i alt)Recipe block is a custom Gutenberg Block That has the following upgradation to be followed they are
Reng Player
(0 vurderingar i alt)Reng is a lightweight block music player that you can use to play your podcast and single or album musics.
Soivigol Notes
(0 vurderingar i alt)Soivigol Notes provide you a block notes to annotations in the block editor that it don't show in the front end. Also provide a sidebard with a c …
Mega Block Hero Banner Slider
(0 vurderingar i alt)A customizable Gutenberg slider block with Bootstrap 4, Swiper.js, background image, color, padding control, and advanced background settings.
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved: LotusScript Brush
(0 vurderingar i alt)Adds support for the LotusScript language to the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin.
Gutenberg Themes – Ultimate Solution for Block Templates
(5 vurderingar i alt)FrontRom, an ideal Gutenberg block integral theme editor plugin for WordPress, enables the opportunity to design smartly the layout of your web templa …
(0 vurderingar i alt)誰でも簡単に投稿本文でAmazon, 楽天, Yahoo!のアフィリエイトリンクを挿入できます。デザイン不要で、かわいいコンポーネントを自動生成。アフィリエイトリンクの管理もこれ一つで完結。
Mosne Dark Palette
(0 vurderingar i alt)Create and apply your dark palette in an accessibility-friendly manner using the new Interactivity API.
Notice Box Block
(0 vurderingar i alt)A custom Gutenberg block to create a notice box with different types like info, warning, success, and danger.
Ipdata Integration Plugin
(0 vurderingar i alt)Detect the visitor's country and redirect them to a specified page or an arbitrary URL, or use their location data in content with provided short …
Authenticate Sponsorware Videos via GitHub
(0 vurderingar i alt)This plugin allows Wordpress users to put a video and description behind Github oauth prompt. It can optionally check for sponsorship of a given organ …
Gutenberg slider block
(0 vurderingar i alt)Slider block is a custom Gutenberg Block That has the following upgradation to be followed they are