Plugin Tag: emoticons
Native Emoji
(19 vurderingar i alt)Insert emojis in your posts, pages, custom post types, and comments
Really Disable Emojis
(9 vurderingar i alt)Disables the automatic emojis (smilies) replacement function. Really! 🙂
Keep Emoticons as Text
(8 vurderingar i alt)Disables the default WordPress option of converting emoticons to image smilies
Compressed Emoji
(3 vurderingar i alt)Same emoji, but compressed. It helps to serve emoji via your server.
Emoji Emoticons
(1 vurderingar i alt)Support for Emoji Emoticons:
TinyMCE Emoticons
(6 vurderingar i alt)TinyMCE Emoticons plugin helps to add emoticons in posts and pages easily.
WP Emo-ello
(0 vurderingar i alt)Fontello Emoticons can be inserted using either HTML, shortcode or a built-in TinyMCE plugin. This plugin also replaces Wordpress' smileys.
Tango/GNOME Smilies
(1 vurderingar i alt)Replace the blocky default (GIF) smilies with beautiful Tango/GNOME (PNG) smilies.
WP Emoticon Rating
(0 vurderingar i alt)Allow Your visitors to express what they feel about your posts and pages
WP Smiley Switcher
(1 vurderingar i alt)Change your smileys to another smiley pack or use your own smileys.
Custom Smilies Directory
(0 vurderingar i alt)Light plugin that tells WordPress to load Smilies from your theme's directory. This allows you to use custom Smilies without loosing them when yo …
Slim WordPress
(0 vurderingar i alt)Send your site on a diet and remove unnecessary WordPress features!
Plugin Name: GMO TinyMCE Smiley
(0 vurderingar i alt)GMO TinyMCE Smiley is a plugin to let you instantly add smilies into your site from the toolbar.