Plugin Tag: frontend-dashboard
Frontend Dashboard
(134 vurderingar i alt)Frontend Dashboard is bundled with huge list of custom features which can easily customise the User profile, Posts, Login, Register, Custom roles.
WP Frontend Admin – Display WP Admin Pages in the Frontend
(53 vurderingar i alt)Show Gutenberg Editor in the Frontend. Display WP Admin Pages in the Frontend. Create custom dashboards in the front end, Allow to Edit in the Fronten …
WordPress Editable Posts Table for the Frontend
(3 vurderingar i alt)Allow users to submit posts and edit their posts on the frontend , perfect for guest posts.
Frontend Dashboard Notification
(0 vurderingar i alt)Frontend Dashboard Notification is an add-on for Frontend Dashboard WordPress plugin which allows user to show notification in Frontend Dashboard page …
Frontend Dashboard Social Chat
(0 vurderingar i alt)Frontend Dashboard payment allows user to pay the subscription or one time payment via PayPal.
PZ Frontend Manager
(4 vurderingar i alt)PZ Frontend Manager allows your clients to manage their platform without accessing the wp-admin dashboard.
Schemeable Sliding Panel
(3 vurderingar i alt)Use smooth and beautiful sliding panel for your blog. Fully scheme-able and configurable. Bundled with six beautiful schemes.
(0 vurderingar i alt)Rimplates is a dashboard maker for wordpress. Using this Plugin is simple, install it, Rimplates will appear on your admin dashboard menu (with abilit …
Brand Master – Customize Login and User Frontend Dashboard
(0 vurderingar i alt)Customize your WordPress login page and provide a sophisticated frontend dashboard for your users with Brand Master.