Plugin Tag: lightbox
Themify Popup
(11 vurderingar i alt)Turn visitors into subscribers and increase sale conversions! Use Popup to show newsletter forms, promotions, or lightbox content.
WP Colorbox
(23 vurderingar i alt)View image, video (YouTube, Vimeo), page, inline HTML, custom content in lightbox. Add jQuery Colorbox lightbox effect to your WordPress site.
jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries
(10 vurderingar i alt)Makes the native WordPress galleries use a lightbox script called ColorBox to display the fullsize images.
Gallery Carousel Without JetPack
(39 vurderingar i alt)Transform your standard galleries into an immersive full-screen experience without requiring you to connect to
(9 vurderingar i alt)Enables fancybox on all image links including BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, and PNG links.
Lightbox slider – Responsive Lightbox Gallery
(24 vurderingar i alt)Lightbox slider plugin is allow users to view larger versions of images, simple slide shows and Gallery view with Responsive grid layout.
(76 vurderingar i alt)PopupAlly allows you to create advanced popup signup forms in under 5 minutes without dealing with messy code.
Cleaner Gallery
(23 vurderingar i alt)A cleaner WordPress [gallery] that integrates with multiple Lightbox-type scripts.
Simple Colorbox
(12 vurderingar i alt)Description: Adds a very simple Colorbox to your linked images.
WP Modal Popup with Cookie Integration
(8 vurderingar i alt)WP Modal Popup with Cookie Integration is the smart, responsive, customizable and beautifully coded popup for visitors with cookie integration.
Pixel Gallery Addons for Elementor – Easy Grid, Creative Gallery, Drag and Drop Grid, Custom Grid Layout, Portfolio Gallery
(1 vurderingar i alt)Best Addon for Elementor WordPress Plugin with 60+ Most Popular Elements that need your everyday website page building.
fancyBox 3 for WordPress
(7 vurderingar i alt)Seamlessly integrates the fancyBox 3 script into your WordPress installation: Upload, activate, and you're done. Additional configuration is opti …
Auto Thickbox
(6 vurderingar i alt)Automatically enables thickbox on thumbnail images (i.e. opens the images in a fancy pop-up).
LightBox Block – Gutenberg block for creating fully functional lightbox
(3 vurderingar i alt)With the LightBox Block plugin, you can effortlessly showcase images, audio, video, and content in a popup format.
(11 vurderingar i alt)Touch-friendly image lightbox for mobile and desktop without requiring jQuery
WordPress Lightbox Plugin by Lightbox Bank
(23 vurderingar i alt)Lightbox Bank is the perfect responsive, mobile optimized image lightbox plugin for displaying images & videos on WordPress.
jQuery Lightbox
(1 vurderingar i alt)Used to add the lightbox effect to images on your WordPress blog π
Image and Video Lightbox, Image PopUp
(11 vurderingar i alt)Image and Video Lightbox is an high customizable and responsive plugin for displaying images and videos in popup.