Plugin Tag: nav menu
Menu Icons by ThemeIsle
(824 vurderingar i alt)Spice up your navigation menus with pretty icons, easily.
Menu Image, Icons made easy
(123 vurderingar i alt)Adds an image or icon in the menu items. You can choose the position of the image (after, before, above, below) or even hide the menu item title.
User Menus – Nav Menu Visibility
(1 225 vurderingar i alt)Show/hide menu items to logged in users, logged out users or specific user roles. Display logged in user details in menu. Add a logout link to menu.
Nav Menu Roles
(216 vurderingar i alt)Hide custom menu items based on user roles. PLEASE READ THE FAQ IF YOU ARE NOT SEEING THE SETTINGS.
LuckyWP ACF Menu Field
(19 vurderingar i alt)Add navigation menu field type to Advanced Custom Fields
Gecka Submenu
(16 vurderingar i alt)Submenu autopopulates any nav menu page item with its children and allows to put menus, or portion of menus, anywhere in your site.
Easy Sidebar Menu Widget
(141 vurderingar i alt)Add WordPress Dropdown Menu Widget easily! Upgrade your sidebar menus to responsive dropdown widget now!
Add Descendants As Submenu Items
(20 vurderingar i alt)Automatically all of a nav menu item's descendants as submenu items. Designed for pages but will work with any hierarchical post type or taxonomy …
Privilege Menu
(7 vurderingar i alt)This plugin allows you to display menu items based on if a user is logged in, logged out or based on the role you have given the user.
Bop Search Box Item Type For Nav Menus
(23 vurderingar i alt)Adds search box as a choice of item in navigation menus admin area.
Bubble Menu – Sticky Navigation with Floating Button Menu Solution
(9 vurderingar i alt)Effortlessly establish a custom floating button menu with Bubble Menu, an effective enhancement to multiply recognition of your digital space.
MAS Elementor
(0 vurderingar i alt)MAS Elementor is a free plugin. It is the addon for Elementor Plugin
Advance Menu Manager
(22 vurderingar i alt)Create and manage menus of any size of your content-heavy wordpress blogs and websites. Simplified search and new comprehensive layout.
My Bootstrap Menu
(11 vurderingar i alt)My Boostrap Menu is a fully customizable plugin that applies the Bootstrap formatting classes to any Wordpress Navigation Menu.
Dynamic Latest Post in Nav Menu
(3 vurderingar i alt)Add the link to dynamic latest post page, and the Archive page to Nav Menu.
Custom Adminbar Menus
(9 vurderingar i alt)This is a simple plugin for adding custom navigation menus to your WordPress Adminbar.
Material UI Menu Icons – Nifty Menu Options
(1 vurderingar i alt)Adds beautiful icons to your WordPress menu items. More menu item options are coming soon!