Plugin Tag: navigation
Simple Side Tab
(21 vurderingar i alt)Display a side tab that you can easily link to any page. Customize the tab text, font and colors. It's that simple. That's Simple Side Tab.
WP PageNavi Style
(16 vurderingar i alt)Adds a more styling options to Wp-PageNavi wordpress plugin.
WordPress Mega menu Plugin – Groovy Menu (Free)
(23 vurderingar i alt)Groovy Menu is a Free responsive Mega Menu plugin that will allow you easily to add an awesome menu on your site and improve website navigation.
Joli Table Of Contents
(29 vurderingar i alt)User-friendly Table of Contents. Gutenberg Block. Fast & Highly customizable. Auto or manual insert.
Heroic Table of Contents
(8 vurderingar i alt)Heroic Table of Contents is the easiest way to add a table of contents to your site.
Collapsing Categories
(56 vurderingar i alt)Adds a widget which uses Javascript to dynamically expand or collapse the set of posts for each category.
Posts List
(2 vurderingar i alt)Adds a posts (or pages) list of your blog pages (or posts) by entering the shortcode [posts-list].
Custom Menu Wizard Widget
(49 vurderingar i alt)Show branches or levels of your menu in a widget, or in content using a shortcode, with full customisation.
Genesis Simple Menus
(11 vurderingar i alt)With Genesis, Simple Menus allows you to select a WP menu for secondary navigation on posts, pages, categories, tags or custom taxonomies.
TOP Table Of Contents
(10 vurderingar i alt)Easily creates SEO-friendly table of contents for your blog posts and pages. Offers both Auto and Manual Insert with highly customization options.
Navigation menu as Dropdown Widget
(9 vurderingar i alt)WordPress plugin which provides a widget with a clickable dropdown of a WordPress navigation menu. It supports one level of parent-child menu's.
Expanding Archives
(6 vurderingar i alt)This plugin adds a new widget where you can view your old posts by expanding certain years and months.
Menu Item Duplicator
(13 vurderingar i alt)Allow you to duplicate menu items and their sub-elements in Appearance > Menus
Auto Submenu
(24 vurderingar i alt)Dynamic menus: Add a page to your menu and then let WordPress automatically add the child pages.
Slickstream: Engagement and Conversions
(11 vurderingar i alt)Use Slickstream to upgrade your site search. Get beautiful as-you-type search, relevant content recommendations, user favorites and more!
Automatically Hierarchic Categories in Menu
(10 vurderingar i alt)Allows you to automatically add hierarchic categories in WordPress Navigation Menus.