Plugin Tag: trash
Change Empty Trash Time
(3 vurderingar i alt)This plugin adds a new setting in the last position of Settings > General, this option will allow you to select the days that WordPress take to emp …
Force Delete Posts
(7 vurderingar i alt)Deleting Posts has never been so fast! This lightweight plugin adds the ability for administrators to instantly delete posts by adding a Force Delete …
WooCommerce Prune Orders
(1 vurderingar i alt)Adds tools to the WP Admin > WooCommerce > Status > Tools page to move all orders of the selected status and cutoff date into the trash, wher …
Disable Trash
(1 vurderingar i alt)This plugin removes the trash functionality from WordPress so that any content is deleted permanently.
Trash emptier
(1 vurderingar i alt)Provides a configurable control over the trash emptying algorithm wordpress uses without changing wp-config.php
Trash Fail Safe
(2 vurderingar i alt)Require confirmation before deleting items from the Trash, or emptying the whole Trash. Protects against accidental clicks.
Trashed By
(0 vurderingar i alt)Records which user trashed a post and when they trashed it. Displays that info as columns in admin trashed posts listings.
R S Contact Form – Compose, Receive, Reply, Draft, Trash, Delete
(2 vurderingar i alt)With this Ajax compatible contact from, visitors on the website can connect with you easily. The form has advanced features that will allow you to com …
RJ Quick Empty Trash
(0 vurderingar i alt)Easier access to empty the trash for Comments, Posts and Pages
No Slug Conflicts with Trash
(2 vurderingar i alt)NOTE: WordPress 4.5 incorporated the functionality of this plugin and thus it is no longer needed unless you're still running an older version of …
Auto Trash Delete
(0 vurderingar i alt)Set the number of days to use before deleting items in the trash.
Emails No Spam
(0 vurderingar i alt)Emails No Spam provides reliable mailing service to your company. The plugin is literally a blessing for everyone. Customizable fields.