Plugin Tag: tripadvisor
WP Tripadvisor Review Widgets
(101 vurderingar i alt)Embed Tripadvisor reviews fast and easily into your WordPress site. Increase SEO, trust and sales using Tripadvisor reviews.
WP TripAdvisor Review Slider
(124 vurderingar i alt)Create a TripAdvisor review slider! Now with User Images! Easily display your TripAdvisor reviews in your Posts, Pages, and Widget areas!
Tripadvisor Shortcode
(4 vurderingar i alt)I have been told by TripAdvisor that they are about to turn off the business owner rss feeds. This plugin no longer works.
Tripadvisor Stream
(4 vurderingar i alt)Finally you can retrived tripadvisor reviews and show it in your site with options
Trust Reviews plugin for Google, Tripadvisor, Yelp, Airbnb and other platforms
(0 vurderingar i alt)Widget and shortcode for Google, Facebook, Tripadvisor, Yelp and other business reviews! Shows customer reviews on your WordPress website to increase …