Dette innstikket er ikkje testa med dei tre siste utgåvene av WordPress. Det kan henda det ikkje blir vedlikehalde lenger, og kan ha problem med nyare versjonar av WordPress.



Make your wordpress instalation fly. Once enabled, this plugin will combine, compress and optimize JS, CSS and HTML files to improve page load time.
How? Using the tinyfier engine, that also adds support for LESS files, automatic vendor prefix integration and much more.

What’s the difference between this plugin and others performance plugins? Unlike them tinyfier-wp uses an intelligent asset analysis in order to not break the initial load order, and it’s very powerful detecting them (even when they’re not included using wp_enqueue functions).

This is still a BETA VERSION, more test are pending and the option page is not available yet.


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Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“tinyfier-wp” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Initial release, beta version.