

Dette programtillegget vart stengt ned 11. november 2024, og kan ikkje lastast ned. Programtillegget er stengt ned permanent. Grunn: Førespurnad frå opphavspersonen.


17. mars 2022
This plugin is a total failure. You cannot trust what it’s reporting. It’s saying TLS 1.2 is not enabled, which is false. After a lengthy call with the stellar support team at InMotion Hosting, it was verified that all shared accounts are using TLS 1.2 or better. I can further confirm this as I was able to activate Apple Pay through the WooCommerce Payments plugin and it mandates TLS 1.2 at a minimum or it would have failed.
31. oktober 2019
Problems reported 8 months ago are not attended to. The tests don’t work anymore. Even though TLS 1.2 is properly enabled in Wordpress, the plugin reports that it’s not. Clearly the author has abandoned this project.
24. desember 2017
This plugin might be 2 years old (at the point of this review), but it still worked great. Simple and straight-forward. Did just what it claimed, which meant I had a very quick answer.
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“TLS 1.2 Compatibility Test” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
