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UD Connector for Oxygen


Enables copy/paste functionality between UD and Oxygen Builder.
UD Connector for Oxygen will add a new paste option in the top toolbar, inside Oxygen Builder.
To use it, just copy any resource from UD and paste it into Oxygen.


Instalation steps
* Make sure that you have Oxygen Builder installed and active
* Install and activate this plugin (UD Connector for Oxygen)
* Done. A new paste option will be available in the top toolbar, inside Oxygen Builder. Just copy any resource from UD and paste it into Oxygen.

Vanlege spm.

Is Oxygen Builder required for this plugin?

Short answer no, but without Oxygen Builder being activated this Add-On plugin doesn’t do anything.

Is UD Connector for Oxygen free?

Yes, this plugin is free.


There are no reviews for this plugin.

Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“UD Connector for Oxygen” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Initial stable public release


  • Initial release