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WooCommerce Load Group Attributes Product


Create a new default attributes
Add the attributes
load group in added in new product page.

Buy Zhaket



The following things are required to run this script:
PHP 5.6.0+
MySQL 5+
WooCommerce 3.0+
WordPress 3.8+

Upload the ZIP via the wordpress backend
Log into your website backend /wp-admin/
Go to Plugins -> Install -> Upload Plugin
Select the ZIP file and upload it
Install & Activate the WooCommerce Plugin
Active it and that’s it!


26. desember 2019
It has everything you need to accelerate inserting attributes for products. You define your «groups» and assign attributes with values if needed. When you are editing some product, simple select the group and load initial attributes.
Les alle 5 omtalar

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“WooCommerce Load Group Attributes Product” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
