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Woocommerce Betaout



A central repository having complete details about your users and their actions, giving you powerful user intelligence data and capability to support and improve their experience.

Know your Customer 360

Track customer interaction, actions, conversations, sales and attributes in real time. Easy to navigate and clear organizing of customer data in smart tabs help you know right data in least time.

Smart User Segmentation

Your users by their action on site tell you a lot of information about intent, attributes and interest. Effortlessly segment your users with existing data available with you; helping you do demographic, psychographic, and geographic targeting.

Unlimited Custom User Properties

We know that every business has focus on different property and user attribute. We allow you to define your own custom user properties, so that you give your users unparalleled onsite experience.

Email Marketing

Using your most powerful marketing medium has never been so easy. Reach smartly to your thousands or even one customer, with WYSIWYG email editor and hundreds of available templates

Event Triggered Emails

Send real time email to your user as per their attribute and actions on your site.

Newsletter Reports

Integrate any mail server from Amazon SES to any SMTP to send personalised marketing newsletter to your users, and track all the actions on them. No need to manually put URL tracking.

Behavioural Emails

Onboard your users with intelligent drip email course which gives them information but gradually, increasing your brand visibility and awareness

Responsive, Beautiful and Smart Templates

Create beautiful custom newsletter without worrying about Tech team, giving you speed and flexibility to get your marketing message across at right time with right look.

On-site Engagement

Your website is not only the destination for your customers, but also another medium to engage your users and convey right message. Engage and message at the right time when user is most attentive.

Various Apps

Create Infobar, Pop-ups, Slider, Exit intent, quick survey, etc in 5 clicks and less than 3 minutes, and get your messages across.

Abandoned Cart Recovery messages

Smartly nudge your customers about their abandoned carts helping you get the last pull done, in most effective manner.

Social Share buttons

Your brand ambassadors are not number but users. Know them and get your social share widgets on right places as per your users.

Help Desk and Feedback

Give support to your users within your own site. Make your support team extension of your marketing team.

Feedback Widget

A smart real time on site notification widget where your users can communicate with you.

Team Members

Make your support team your marketing team by increasing custom happiness and retention

For more info, please go to our website –


  • Amplify -Feedback widgets, contact us forms etc are seen by your users as one-way conversations. Users after filling up a form are not even sure if they will receive a reply. But with Amplify Connect these feedbacks are turned into conversations and stored in a personalised user-inbox for every user.

  • Pro-active User Engagement-Less than 0.5% users on any site submits a feedback or fill up a contact form. So instead of waiting for users to contact you, why not greet them with a custom message when then pay you a visit.

  • Easy and yet powerful customer support-Easily assign these conversations and support requests to team members. Use email forwarding to centralised your support queries via Amplify Connect.

  • additional marketing channel-An additional marketing channel


The easiest way to install this plugin is to go to Add New in the Plugins section of your blog admin and search for » Betaout Amplify.» On the far right side of the search results, click «Install.»

If the automatic process above fails, follow these simple steps to do a manual install:

  1. Extract the contents of the zip file into your «/wp-content/plugins/» directory

  2. Aktiver innstikket gjennom Innstikk-menyen i WordPress

  3. Get your free API key by registering an account at

Vanlege spm.

Installation Instructions

The easiest way to install this plugin is to go to Add New in the Plugins section of your blog admin and search for » Betaout Amplify.» On the far right side of the search results, click «Install.»

If the automatic process above fails, follow these simple steps to do a manual install:

  1. Extract the contents of the zip file into your «/wp-content/plugins/» directory

  2. Aktiver innstikket gjennom Innstikk-menyen i WordPress

  3. Get your free API key by registering an account at

I have an query, where do I ask?

You can email us all your queries at


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“Woocommerce Betaout” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
