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WooCommerce Duplicate Billing Address


Add a checkbox to the user profile edit screen in the dashboard to enable the duplicating of the WooCommerce billing address to shipping address. Also adds a button to the WooCommerce My Account page to copy the billing address to the shipping address.


  • This is where the checkbox for duplicating the address is located
  • The WooCommerce settings page where you can enable the address duplication when an order is placed.
  • An example of what the duplicate button looks like on the My Account page.


  1. Upload the entire woocommerce-duplicate-billing-address folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress.

Vanlege spm.


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the entire woocommerce-duplicate-billing-address folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress.


30. april 2020
Simple and working plugin) If the address is not duplicated, clear the browser history.
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“WooCommerce Duplicate Billing Address” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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  • Initial build


  • Added support for the new predictive text combobox for country and state selection


  • Added a check to only display duplicate combobox is WooCommerce plugin is active


  • Missing include to enable call to function is_plugin_active in dashboard


  • Added a button on the my account page to allow front end users to copy their billing to shipping address


  • Moved the duplicate address button to the addresses tab introduced in WoooCommerce v2.6
  • Fixed an issue with defaulting combobox country and state fields


  • Support for WoooCommerce 3.0
  • Rebuilt entire plugin using WordPress Boilerplate


  • Add an option to duplicate addresses when an order is placed in WooCommerce