Dette innstikket er ikkje testa med dei tre siste utgåvene av WordPress. Det kan henda det ikkje blir vedlikehalde lenger, og kan ha problem med nyare versjonar av WordPress.

WordPress Admin Ajax Posts


This is a backend complement to enable AJAX save in all post types. It is integrated in WordPress interface and is currently translated into 8 languages, English, Chinese, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Galician.

Features to highlight:

  • Small size < 200 KB, 4KB in use
  • Work whit all WordPress Posts (Entries, Products, Pages, etc)
  • Ajax Enabled notification in WP Publish widget
  • Fits the style of the wordpress theme in use
  • Built-in overlay to show plugin pages & response messages
  • No-ads policy, totally free to use

What you need ?

  • At least WordPress 3.1
  • At least PHP 5.3.0
  • A modern browser with Javascript enabled



Upload the plugin to your WordPress and activate it. It would work like a charm.

Vanlege spm.

Installation Instructions

Upload the plugin to your WordPress and activate it. It would work like a charm.

Is it compatible with latest WordPress?

Yes, it is, as well as with all versions of PHP since 5.3.0.


There are no reviews for this plugin.

Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“WordPress Admin Ajax Posts” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“WordPress Admin Ajax Posts” er omsett til 1 språk. Takk til omsetjarane for bidraga deira.

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  • First release