

Dette programtillegget vart stengt ned 3. mai 2024, og kan ikkje lastast ned. Programtillegget er stengt ned permanent. Grunn: Førespurnad frå opphavspersonen.


21. februar 2019
Excellent plugin – Made moving sites a doddle! Relatively simple to configure and the help documentation from WP Engine made this really straight forward.
14. desember 2018
The people behind WP Engine knows their stuff. All the problems you usually have when moving a site is gone with this plugin. A complete replica of the site you are moving is setup. No problems or hazzle. Been moving 50+ sites with this the last month, and actually over 20 in one day. No problem. I know this is a plugin specified to WP Engine, and they have a great team and incentive behind to make it smooth.
17. juli 2018
This is a great tool for migrating WordPress sites to WP Engine hosting. From small to large installs, the migrations worked every time.
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“WP Engine Automated Migration” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
