Dette innstikket er ikkje testa med dei tre siste utgåvene av WordPress. Det kan henda det ikkje blir vedlikehalde lenger, og kan ha problem med nyare versjonar av WordPress.



Zippem zips a folder on your site and lets you download it: your media library complete with folder structure; theme files which you’ve edited; plugins folder; or simply all files on your site.

  • Go to Tools -> Zippem
  • Set the source folder and target file
  • Zippem!

By default, the target zip file is created under the uploads directory. There is also an option to delete the created file.

For upload and extraction of zip files, try: WP Easy Uploader.


  • Settings page


  1. Install and activate through Plugins->Add New
  2. Go to Tools -> Zippem
  3. Set the source folder and target file
  4. Zippem!


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  • Improvements: plugin page and code organization
  • Confirm compatibility with latest WordPress version


  • Cleaner and more efficient code
  • Added readme.txt, banner, screenshot
  • Uploaded to WordPress plugin directory