Plugin Tag: age
Age Gate
(60 vurderingar i alt)A plugin to check the age of a visitor before view site or specified content
Age Gate Lite
(5 vurderingar i alt)A lightweight, customisable age gate to lock content from younger audience.
Age Verify
(24 vurderingar i alt)A simple way to ask visitors for their age before viewing your content.
Age Gator
(5 vurderingar i alt)Age Gator is a Wordpress plugin specifically designed to guard sensitive content (alcohol, gambling, x-rated, etc) from underage users.
Minimum Age for WooCommerce
(4 vurderingar i alt)Restrict purchase through the WooCommerce checkout by age
Count All
(1 vurderingar i alt)Very simple, highly customizable counter widget for showing difference in days from a specified date and time.
Age Shortcode
(3 vurderingar i alt)EN: Insert Bidragsytar Age per Shortcode DE: Alter des Autors per Shortcode einfügen
Old Post Alert
(0 vurderingar i alt)Remind your visitors about the age of old posts in the comment area – might cut down in irrelevant comments.
Blog Demographics
(0 vurderingar i alt)Shows you what age and gender your visitors are. Based on various services like Facebook, BlogCatalog and MyBlogLog.
Advanced Custom Fields: Date Selector
(1 vurderingar i alt)ACF Field to select a date with select drop downs rather than the typical popup date picker. Very useful for selecting Age/Date of Birth.
(1 vurderingar i alt)By integrating AGEify on the homepage of your website you can reliably verify the age of your visitors and ensure that they are above or below a certa …