Plugin Tag: disk usage
Disk Usage Sunburst
(35 vurderingar i alt)Visualize and drill down the disk usage of your whole WordPress installation. Find and identify big files immediately!
Disk Usage Insights
(1 vurderingar i alt)Find large files and folders in no time! Hunt down the TOP 10 files and folders with the most disk usage.
(0 vurderingar i alt)A simple plugin to view server resource usage (ram, cpu, disk), check your PHP error log, and more.
WP Disk Free
(0 vurderingar i alt)Plugin used to check how much free space is available on the disk/partition used to host a Wordpress installation.
VestaCP/myVesta Dashboard Widget
(2 vurderingar i alt)Adds a widget to the Dashboard showing your VestaCP/myVesta accounts details. Requires an API key from the control panel.
MyServerInfo – Memory Usage, PHP Version, Memory Limit, Execution Time, CPU Usage, Disk Usage
(2 vurderingar i alt)Displays CPU Usage, Disk Usage, Memory Usage, PHP Version, MySQL version, WP Memory Limit, PHP Execution Time, Max Input Vars, IP Address, Timezone.