Plugin Tag: reusable
Reusable Blocks Extended
(37 vurderingar i alt)Extend Gutenberg Reusable Blocks feature with a complete admin panel, widgets, shortcodes and PHP functions.
Fabrica Synced Pattern Instances
(6 vurderingar i alt)Shows you how many times, and where, a Synced Pattern has been used.
Automatic Block Inserter
(0 vurderingar i alt)This plugin allows you to easily insert blocks into specific post areas as well as above or below specific block types.
Reusable Block Count
(0 vurderingar i alt)Display a "Reusable blocks" listing page, and a link to view all posts containing a given block.
A.N.R.GHG Publishing Toolkit
(0 vurderingar i alt)Among the Swiss Army knives completing WordPress, this one helps reduce GHG. AMP compatible. Table of contents, fragment IDs for paragraphs, notes and …