Disqus Comment System

Disqus is the web's most popular comment system. Use Disqus to increase engagement, retain readers,…

Disqus 70 000+ installasjonar i drift Tested with 6.5.2 Oppdatert 3 veker sidan

Yappa Widget

Yappa is the web's most popular comment system. Use Yappa to increase engagement, retain readers,…

Yappa 20+ installasjonar i drift Tested with 5.2.20 Oppdatert 5 år sidan


The HyperComments technology replaces your WordPress comment system with your comments hosted and powered by…

Alexandr Bazik, Dmitry Goncharov, Inna Goncharova 10+ installasjonar i drift Tested with 0.9.6 Oppdatert 12 år sidan


Logora is the web's most popular debate platform.

Logora 10+ installasjonar i drift Tested with 6.1.6 Oppdatert 1 år sidan