Plugin Tag: twitter
Nextend Social Login and Register
(431 vurderingar i alt)One click registration & login plugin for Facebook, Google, X (formerly Twitter) and more. Quick setup and easy configuration.
Custom Twitter Feeds – A Tweets Widget or X Feed Widget
(393 vurderingar i alt)Display X posts (Twitter tweets) from any public user account in a clean, attractive looking feed that updates weekly.
Social Media Widget
(84 vurderingar i alt)Adds links to all of your social media and sharing site profiles. Tons of icons come in 3 sizes, 4 icon styles, and 4 animations.
OG — Better Share on Social Media
(208 vurderingar i alt)The simple method to add Open Graph metadata to your entries so that they look great when shared on sites.
Professional Social Sharing Buttons, Icons & Related Posts – Shareaholic
(1 045 vurderingar i alt)Boost Audience Engagement with Award Winning Speed Optimized Social Tools: Share Buttons, Related Posts, Monetization & Google Analytics.
Genesis Simple Share
(33 vurderingar i alt)Genesis Simple Share allows you to easily add beautiful share buttons to your site using a Genesis child theme
Easy Twitter Feed Widget Plugin
(56 vurderingar i alt)Add twitter feeds on your WordPress site by using the Easy Twitter Feed Widget plugin.
(32 vurderingar i alt)Official Twitter and Periscope plugin for WordPress. Embed content and grow your audience. Requires PHP 5.6 or greater.
Tagembed: Embed Twitter Feed, Google Reviews, YouTube Videos, TikTok, RSS Feed & More Social Media Feeds
(54 vurderingar i alt)Collect & Embed Instagram Feed, Embed Facebook Feed, Embed YouTube Videos, Embed Twitter Feed, Google Reviews & 15+ Social Media Feed on website.
Better Click To Tweet
(48 vurderingar i alt)Insert styled call-out boxes into your posts, simply and securely. Encourage readers to share your content on X in one simple action.
Seed Social
(11 vurderingar i alt)Minimal Social Sharing WordPress Plugin (Just Facebook, Twitter and Line)
Custom Share Buttons with Floating Sidebar
(93 vurderingar i alt)Share buttons with extra features to sharing your website posts/pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, Pinterest etc.
Customize Feeds for Twitter
(17 vurderingar i alt)Customize Feeds for Twitter plugin for WordPress. You can use this to display real time Twitter feeds on any where on your website by using shortcode …
Twitter Widget Pro
(66 vurderingar i alt)A widget that properly handles twitter feeds, including parsing @username, #hashtags, and URLs into links.
Nobs • Share Buttons
(93 vurderingar i alt)Juiz Social Post Sharer is now Nobs • Share Buttons. Add smart designed buttons after/before your posts (or wherever you want) to allow visitors to sh …
Autopost for X (formerly Autoshare for Twitter)
(5 vurderingar i alt)Automatically shares the post title or custom message and a link to the post to X/Twitter.
Social Sharing (by Danny)
(68 vurderingar i alt)Adds social sharing buttons for Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to your blog posts or pages.
Open Graph Protocol Framework
(14 vurderingar i alt)The Open Graph Protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. This plugin renders meta tags within an extension framework.