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Advanced Bootstrap Carousel


Advanced Bootstrap Carousel is a light weighted responsive slider plugin. This plugin provide advance and extended fetures for Bootstrap Carousel. This plugins will only run if your theme contain Twitter Bootstrap CSS and Javascript. Advanced Bootstrap Carousel Support numbered indicator, vertical slider as well as slider with fading effect. Advanced Bootstrap Carousel support Bootstrap V3.~ and V4.~.


  1. Default – [twabc-carousel].
  2. Slide with custom Interval – [twabc-carousel interval=»900″].
  3. Slider with Control – [twabc-carousel showcontrols=»true»].
  4. Filter Slider by Category – [twabc-carousel category=»testing»].
  5. Slider with Numbered Indicator – [twabc-carousel showindicator=»numbered»].

Include shortcodes in PHP file

  • <?php echo do_shortcode(«[twabc-carousel interval=»900″]»); ?>

For demo and example vistit :


  • Add Your Images – Add your images in carousel.
  • Numbered Indicator Slider – Numbered Indicator Slider. Shortcode : [twabc-carousel showindicator=»numbered»]


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/advanced-bootstrap-carousel directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» screen in WordPress

Vanlege spm.

  1. Default – [twabc-carousel].
  2. Slide with custom Interval – [twabc-carousel interval=»900″].
  3. Slider with Control – [twabc-carousel showcontrols=»true»].
  4. Filter Slider by Category – [twabc-carousel category=»testing»].
  5. Slider with Numbered Indicator – [twabc-carousel showindicator=»numbered»].
  6. Vertical Slider – [twabc-carousel effect=»vslide»].
  7. Slider with fading effect – [twabc-carousel effect=»fade»].
  8. Support Bootstrap V3.~ and V4.~, Goto carousel setting and change «Twitter Bootstrap Version» (Default version 3.~)

For demo and example vistit :


10. januar 2020
Good thing of plugin is that creates a CPT for slides. Bad thing is images are not fluid and you’re stuck with the plugin’s markup.
10. mai 2018
Just to be clear: the button marked “Add New Carousel” really just means “Add an Image”. Just give the image a name and then use Featured image to select the image. You can then use the shortcode to display all the images. If you want your carousel to only use some of the images, you can use Categories to define which images appear in the carousel, like this: [twabc-carousel category=”whatever”]
Les alle 7 omtalar

Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“Advanced Bootstrap Carousel” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Support Bootsrap V.4~.
  • Stablity improvement.


  • Included Sliding effects. (Horizonat Silder, Vertical Slider, Fade Slider).
  • Stablity improvement.


  • Minor bug fixes.


  • Stablity improvement.
  • Minor bug fixes in slider settings and admin view.


  • Slider with Numbered Indicator added.
  • Minor bug fixes in slider settings.


  • Minor bug fixes.


This is the first version.