Dette innstikket er ikkje testa med dei tre siste utgåvene av WordPress. Det kan henda det ikkje blir vedlikehalde lenger, og kan ha problem med nyare versjonar av WordPress.

IT's Tracking Code


Add tracking code on your website without hacking your theme file.

This plugin provide simple way to add your tracking code in html head or footer section of the site.

Also you can use different language. To change language you need to generate .po and .mo files.


  • Add tracking code like Google analytics, Facebook pixel, thridpary script code to header & footer of your website.
  • Translation Compatible.


  • Add your tracking code here.


  1. Upload and extract «zip» to the «/wp-content/plugins/» directory
  2. Aktiver innstikket gjennom Innstikk-menyen i WordPress
  3. Add your tracking code by navigating Settings >> Tracking Code

Vanlege spm.

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Les alle 2 omtalar

Bidragsytarar og utviklarar

“IT's Tracking Code” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



1.0.3 – 12/12/2023

  • Tested with WordPress 6.4.2

1.0.2 – 22/06/2023

  • Tested with WordPress 6.2.2.
  • Code optimization based on WPCS.
  • Added pot file.

1.0.1 – 28/01/2018

  • Added WordPress 4.9.2 compatiblity.

1.0.0 – 08/01/2015

  • Første utgåve.